Back in the day, I was in Girl Scouts. And my absolute favorite part about Girl Scouts was earning badges. I mean, the cookies were good too. But the BADGES.
I feel like in knitting, there are many similar moments where we achieve accomplishments. Steeking your first sweater, mastering double pointed needles,... or owning more yarn than you could possibly hope to use in your lifetime. And they’re all worth commemorating!
This is what led me to start a new series of merit badges. They are pin-back buttons just to make them a little bit easier to use, but still have the style of a patch.
And the name of the series, you ask?…
Purl Scouts.
Because I can’t avoid puns.

I plan to commemorate legit knitting accomplishments, like knitting your first sock, or mastering color work. But, I like funny stuff, so there will also be a good amount of silly accomplishments mixed in. And of course, that’s how I’m kicking off the series, with the Yarnaholic merit badge for those of you who can’t resist a good skein, and the Frog Queen merit badge for those who like to start over, and over,… and over.

Like I said, so far there’s just two in the collection, but I plan to release a couple each time I do a shop update this year. Keep an eye out for more to come, and make sure to snag a badge for yourself so that you can be a Purl Scout!