Blue fair isle knitted sweater

Make Nine 2020: FO #1

Well, it's April, and I've just finished my first Make Nine item for 2020.  

I suppose I'm running a bit behind since the year's a quarter over and I've got eight more items to go.  However!  This was one of the bigger projects I decided to take on this year, and COVID-19 has provided me with quite a bit of knitting time as of late.  I remain optimistic.

So, project #1 was Telja by Jennifer Steingass.  This is my second of her sweaters, which I love because they always fit really well and the patterns are always really clearly written.  Plus, I love colorwork and knitting from a chart.  Visual learner!

It took me forever to decide on colors for this one.  I actually started on a sleeve last year and made it about three inches in before I decided to scrap it because I didn't like how it was knitting up, and then totally changed my color scheme.  Pretty pleased with my final choices as half my wardrobe is dark blue and this has just the right mix of earthy autumnal colors.  Which I wear year-round because I'm in denial about things like Spring and Summer.

Okay, pics?  Pics.  Many thanks to my husband, who patiently endures me barking photography orders at him after every finished knit.


Make nine 2020:  Telja sweater

 Make nine 2020:  Telja sweater

Make nine 2020:  Telja sweater

Make nine 2020:  Telja sweater

I've got item #2 already on the needles (Clake Pullover for my Aunt), and I'm casting on my Montana Mountain Cowl tonight.  I bought some rainbow yarn for that one, and not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited about it.

Stay safe and healthy, friends!

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