Back in the day when I sold knitwear, I developed all of these patterns that I don't use anymore and they're just hanging out in my google drive. So, I've decided to spruce them up, make them readable (instead of my shorthand gobbledy gook), and make them available to everyone!
I recently released the Pinesap Mug Cozy pattern, which was craaaazy popular on Etsy for awhile. There was definitely a October where all I did was make cozies. The pattern combines both knitting and crocheting techniques, and has a base to it that doubles as a coaster. All of the proceeds will go to Black Lives Matter.
Knit with bulky weight yarn, this cozy knits up literally in a couple of hours. It's a perfect last-minute gift! The pattern primarily uses knitting techniques, but there is some crochet work for the base and edging. Ready to get this cute little cozy on your mug? Get the Pinesap Mug Cozy pattern!