The Knitting Olympics

The Knitting Olympics

The winter Olympics have begun, which I always enjoy watching because I've never been terribly athletic, and that level of physical skill just blows my mind. Now, if knitting were an Olympic sport, that would be a different story.
In keeping with the Olympic theme, I’m celebrating some of my own knitting achievements with imaginary gold medals.
Pink cullum tee
The gold medal for Longest Running Project goes to my Cullum Tee, which went on the needles about a year and a half ago, and I still haven’t finished.  It’s literally almost done, but I waffled hard about the fit and the length, and couldn’t make a decision whether to bind off or rip it out.  So it sits.
Pink Brioche knit hat
For Most Frogged Project, the gold goes to a Harlow Hat I made my daughter several years ago.  Let’s just say my learning curve on brioche was steep.  I lost count of the number of times I started it over!
Hand knit bunny with pink dress
And finally, the gold for Quickest Project goes to this little bunny, which was so stinkin’ cute and fun to knit that I whipped it up in 24 hours.  I had my daughter progress checking this one pretty frequently, so that definitely helped speed things along.
What events would your knitting olympics have?
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